Sunday, November 05, 2006

Today I realised something important.

I suppose I always knew, somewhere in the back of my mind. Perhaps I was simply in denial. I didn't want to have to deal with these feelings, but I can't ignore them any longer. I HATE ON-CAMPUS SHOPPING AT RIT.

It all started when I just needed some cream. I was making coffee. I just wanted some cream. So I ran downstairs to the Corner Store. But did they have cream? No. They didn't have cream. At all. Nothing even close, like half & half or even cream cheese. Just milk. So, highly disappointed, I grabbed a quart of whole milk (which was something like $1.50) and got in line... behind about twelve other people, with the most emo cashier I'd ever seen. He was wearing long sleeves but I was sure there were scars on his wrists beneath that black. Anyway he was slow as all hell, and kept taking even more time to stare dolefully at every item he scanned. And the kid in front of me smelled funny, so every time I stepped forward it was into the cloud he had created during the three minutes he'd been standing in that exact location. When it was all said and done, I still had over $100 of debit over what I was supposed to have last Friday.

I hate RIT Food Service.

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